Friday, March 28, 2014

INTRO || Stardust

Hello passerby! I can only imagine what led you to this lil' blog-o-mine. This just happens to be my very first post and hopefully I can remain consistent so that more of you online pedestrians may feel inclined to read a post or two of mine.

It is currently 3:45AM and I am trying to finish my Precal and Mandarin homework. I've been going at it for about 3 hours now and I guess you could say I'm a little frustrated. I guess I'm the type of person that forms a book blog when she is tired, frustrated, and sad.

Don't worry about my homework predicament though, if I don't finish it now, I could always just... not finish it. Recently, I've been getting supremely fed up with homework and classwork and school in its near entirety, but this is a really important period in my life. It's like I'm on top of a see-saw and I need to balance my sanity and my academic performance or else I endanger the rest of my life.

DNW means Do Not Want //I DON'T WANT THIS HW//

But enough about me and my woes! This is a book blog and so I will proceed with book blog content!
In 2014 I've read Stardust, Will Grayson,Will Grayson, The Glass Menagerie, The Great Gatsby, and the Maze Runner. I am currently reading Five Finger Discount, For the Time Being, Scorch Trials, The Strain, and I halted on my reading of Catch 22 (it was a library book that had a lending period of only 2 weeks, that's way too much pressure, I got nervous).

I'll christen this post with my very first book review, "Stardust"!

♥ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Stardust | Neil Gaiman 
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Published: February 1st, 1999
Read: March, 2014

I bought this book off of my brand new Kindle that I got for Christmas. It took me a while to really get into it but one day around 2 weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to dig my teeth into this book's digital pages and so I did. It was a compelling story, I didn't get too attached to the characters but I did like them.

I'm not going to give any spoilers, but I will tell you the main characters. There's Yvaine, I totally imagined her with dark hair but apparently she's blonde. That doesn't detract from the character or anything, but I think I would prefer if she were dark haired. She's a character that gives the story a lot of depth. Her situation is really sad and she takes it all in stride and I want to talk about it... but spoilers.

I think that instead of having some sort of existential crisis, Yvaine is totally assured in who she is and when all of the things that happen to her happen, she has already internally resigned herself to her fate. I wonder if she did so even before anything had happened to her. She did throw insults and she moped and sulked a lot, but I didn't feel as if the sorrow and upset she was expressing really matched the magnitude of her predicament.

Also, she really values her life. Take that in whatever way you wish, I guess.

As for Tristran/Tristan Thorne, he's an ok dude. I really like him because he's so matter of fact and he also is incredibly, almost unbelievably sure of himself. Not only in a literal way (his superpower) but also in the sense that when making decisions or when presented with problems, he doesn't ever have to think very long about his feelings towards a subject.

He has a moral code that he abides by but I appreciate that he isn't and doesn't pretend to be a completely selfless, full-of-ethics, saint. He's simply himself and it's really pleasant to get to know who Tristran is.

The story details the journey of Tristran and Yvaine through their life.

The more specific details of the story are the following: Tristran loves this girl back in his hometown and so he crosses the barrier between his home and Faerie- some type of magic dimension- to find her a star that she saw falling when they were walking together. Yvaine is a star. He tries to bring Yvaine back to the girl but that journey is the only struggle because hella antagonists are after her because she's all magical and useful to their own individual wants. Lots of stuff happens and it looks like a happy ending is approaching and it arrives and you enjoy it at first but then you sit and you think about it and you experience the bitter aftertaste. But it's a pleasant read! :)

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