Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Guess who graduated?

It's me. I am now an alum of my high school and will be heading off to university in a short few months. First, a virtual scream of joy and relief: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASS THANK ERRYTHANG. /A. I don't know how this will bode for my reading habits (hopefully it doesn't get worse, lmao) but I have good hopes for this summer.

People are always making challenges for themselves and starting their own readathons (I'm not even fooling myself, I'm talking about myself, basically.) So guess what I'm planning for this summer?

You don't have to guess. I'm sorry for playing these games with you.
1. Start a youtube channel - content: book reviews, rants/chats, editing projects.
2. Read 30 books - write a review for each one on this blog.
3. Pre-read for future classes - economics, Chinese, politics. Just watch reviews, read old textbooks, get a frame of reference for when I'll be studying this material in depth.
4. See if I can start an Etsy for art - make a tumblr for promotion and sell prints.
5. Put together a summer scrapbook - Poetry I enjoy, poetry I wrote, art I enjoy, art I made, cool pictures - everything!

Things to get prepped for college - I'm supposed to be there late August, so...
1. Wardrobe change! I can't bring a ton of clothes to college so I have to be smart about what I do bring. Basics! Pieces I genuinely love! Shoes that are WOW and also comfortable.
2. Supplies - the typical - binders, notebooks, markers, pens, pencils, ruler, scissor, loose leaf, glue, stapler, tape, laptop, tablet (find the pencil, get a new tablet?) - THE USUAL
3. Decoration - art for my walls, cute bed covers, a rug, a cohesive room aesthetic (pink, white and wood) - and that's about it.
4. I would love a record player but that's really impractical.
5. I NEED A BOOKSHELF. EVEN A SMALL ONE. (need to see how big my room is first.)

I know it's a natural urge to want to organize your college life from beginning to end, but I still want to do it. I'm leaving room for unexpected things - a class I didn't want to take! An unexpected internship! I have to retake a class??? I didn't have all the prerequisites! They have the same time block! My friends aren't cooperative (that makes it sound like they'll be children lmao)! ??? Whatever  will happen will happen. I still want to plan, though.

Until the next,

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