Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hey, Hi, Hello--!

My name is Iman, I'm 18 years old, I'm in college. Winter break starts in approximately a week, I just have finals to get through. I want you to walk with me as I take you step by visual step through this mental imagery I have here:

1. Today is Saturday. This is the calm before the storm, the satiation before the diarrhea, the groggy dazed sunny morning before Monday slips into the cracks between your bones. You know it's coming but you wanna be happy.

2. Tomorrow is Sunday. If you don't study tomorrow, you know there's no point. Why bother? You're not taking it seriously so why make yourself grow even more anxious if you KNOW YOU'RE NOT TAKING IT SERIOUSLY?

3. Finals (read: a deathless hell -- wait, is that-, why yes, oh, a knoll is gonging in the distance).


That last bit, yeah -- the one where you can practically scrape off the joy from your screen -- the vacation one, yeah -- I'm going to do something that I had only dreamed in my boldest of reveries.

I'm a timid gal and this is a bit overwhelming to even mention nowadays...

R-r-recreational..... R-r-reading.....

I don't know, man. I'll have 3 weeks, I'll do what I can.

1. I definitely want to finish Northanger Abbey. I can't find it right now, but hey.
2. T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland and possibly other works.
3. PLAYS! I need to get used to reading them.
4. The Brothers Karamazov
5. Anna Karenina
6. Basically, all of the books that I've made dents in without actually completing them.

Until next Saturday,

Thursday, December 3, 2015


as in, Long Time No See.

So. I don't know what to tell you.

I'm in college. Finals are starting next Saturday. I have a calculus test tomorrow. I've been SO into Haikyuu!! and Noragami. I've been reading Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey for about 3 or 4 months now.

I told you things.

I'll get back into the whole 'getting-my-life-together' thing soon enough.

Just not now.


Thursday, July 9, 2015


This is the announcement video!

These are the challenges:

1. Read a children's book
2. Read a hardback
3. Read 2 books in 24 hours
4. Read a graphic novel
5. Read a book written in verse
6. Read a novella
7. Read 5 books total

The goal is to read the smallest books on your shelf so as to finish your Goodreads TBR challenge. Of course, you don't actually need to only read tiny books or even have a TBR list. Just kind of read a lot in a period of 4 days. 


This is my list:

1. Naruto #1 - Masashi Kishimoto [manga... close enough to a graphic novel..]
2. Favorite Poems - William Wordsworth [does this count as a book in verse??? it's a book of verse....]
3. A Room of One's Own - Virginia Woolf [hella short lol i think this is actually an essay]
4. Gregor the Overland - Suzanne Collins [Children's book!]
5. Last Exit to Brooklyn - Hubert Selby Jr. [is this a novella? what is a novella]

I hope you end up participating!

To Be Read | July

This is the first TBR list I've made on this blog, I think. It's a nice tradition to start and I sincerely hope I'm not doing this as a formality but as an actual reading plan. There's about 3 weeks left of July and I have 5 books on my list, 2 of which are library books (I have to return them by Saturday because I'm leaving for a trip [TO JAPAN] on Sunday).

1. The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
2. The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
3. The Oxford Book of 20th Century English Verse - Philip Larkin
4. The Poetry of Black America (anthology of the 20th century) - Arnold Adoff
5. London Falling - Paul Cornell

I made a video on this as well. In it, I detailed why I chose the books I did so if you're interesting in the reasonings of an ALMOST 18 YEAR OLD GIRL (why yes my birthday is this saturday thx for asking!!!) then click on over! :)

The Picture of Dorian Gray

It's by Oscar Wilde. I made a video about it.

SOOOOO I finished reading this book maybe a day or two ago and I've already posted a video onto Youtube detailing how I feel about it and sort of analyzing it. I don't really feel like writing down another review because I'm essentially going to be saying the same things.

1. Truth is relative. This applies to the individual and to society. I'm linking the concept of truth to that of morality. In a society, there are systems of conduct and governance that serve to enable everyone in the society to function without too many disruptions. This is to say that the practices of the gentry (of being proper and going to people's houses for tea parties and going hunting on someone's land in the country or going to the club or idk not doing drugs and driving ppl to suicide (thanks Dorian)) are to make life livable. While it is mostly posturing, it is an outward display of who you are. And who you are is the root of truth, isn't it? It encompasses your motivations, your influences, your reasonings, etc. The truth is what you know or rather, what you believe you know -- everybody has different backgrounds (Dorian's has very tight brushstrokes and a strong highlight with very light blue accents. what a bad joke lol I'm referencing the painting.) which results in different truths. There is no strict morality because people adhere to different values.

///I'm starting to hate using words like "I", "people", "society", etc. They're all relevant to the point that I'm making but generalizations and personal statements feel like they carry so little weight.///

2. Dorian Gray is a terrible person who is so steeped in his own privilege that he cannot grapple with his predicament in a very practical manner. He's very vain, insensitive and he doesn't have much real attachment to the world. His being the title character is so misleading when trying to understand the story from an objective POV because he is very much a special snowflake. But like, I loved it, it was very entertaining.

3. Oscar Wilde needs a lover. Who isn't 'superficial'. And who could share in and help him progress his whole 'Aestheticism' vibe. The Picture of Dorian Gray has a really nice preface that I feel every reader of this book should read at the beginning, middle and end of this book. I definitely feel like I'm not getting everything I possibly can from this book but I'm alright with what I did manage to extract.

***There are things to be said about the portrayal of science, art, theater, the company Dorian keeps, English class systems, idleness, etc. But, I'm pretty alright with this nice little review. If you have things to say, I'm ready and willing to hear them!

Until the next,
Iman :))))

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Guess who graduated?

It's me. I am now an alum of my high school and will be heading off to university in a short few months. First, a virtual scream of joy and relief: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASS THANK ERRYTHANG. /A. I don't know how this will bode for my reading habits (hopefully it doesn't get worse, lmao) but I have good hopes for this summer.

People are always making challenges for themselves and starting their own readathons (I'm not even fooling myself, I'm talking about myself, basically.) So guess what I'm planning for this summer?

You don't have to guess. I'm sorry for playing these games with you.
1. Start a youtube channel - content: book reviews, rants/chats, editing projects.
2. Read 30 books - write a review for each one on this blog.
3. Pre-read for future classes - economics, Chinese, politics. Just watch reviews, read old textbooks, get a frame of reference for when I'll be studying this material in depth.
4. See if I can start an Etsy for art - make a tumblr for promotion and sell prints.
5. Put together a summer scrapbook - Poetry I enjoy, poetry I wrote, art I enjoy, art I made, cool pictures - everything!

Things to get prepped for college - I'm supposed to be there late August, so...
1. Wardrobe change! I can't bring a ton of clothes to college so I have to be smart about what I do bring. Basics! Pieces I genuinely love! Shoes that are WOW and also comfortable.
2. Supplies - the typical - binders, notebooks, markers, pens, pencils, ruler, scissor, loose leaf, glue, stapler, tape, laptop, tablet (find the pencil, get a new tablet?) - THE USUAL
3. Decoration - art for my walls, cute bed covers, a rug, a cohesive room aesthetic (pink, white and wood) - and that's about it.
4. I would love a record player but that's really impractical.
5. I NEED A BOOKSHELF. EVEN A SMALL ONE. (need to see how big my room is first.)

I know it's a natural urge to want to organize your college life from beginning to end, but I still want to do it. I'm leaving room for unexpected things - a class I didn't want to take! An unexpected internship! I have to retake a class??? I didn't have all the prerequisites! They have the same time block! My friends aren't cooperative (that makes it sound like they'll be children lmao)! ??? Whatever  will happen will happen. I still want to plan, though.

Until the next,